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   EPD Mandik Fire dampers
   EPD Mandik Smoke control dampers
   EPD Mandik Regulators
An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) transparently reports objective, comparable and third-party verified data about products environmental performances from a lifecycle perspective. It is a document based on LCA (life cycle assessment), so it typically takes into consideration the full value chain (from raw materials extraction, through manufacturing, using, to end of life). The EPD report includes a summary of LCA results, environmental impact data, and other relevant information.
Our EPD’s are compliant with the ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standard, which are internationally recognized.
EPD documents are registered and published under the Czech programme in its EPD database, which is newly administered by the Ministry of the Environment in the Czech Republic and is available here.

We are developing EPD‘s for other products now. For more information and updates, please follow our News and our LinkedIn and social media.